Local Church Revival / Evangelistic Meetings
Prophecy Preaching / Teaching -
Tent Evangelism Ministry
Rescue Mission Preaching & Discipleship Ministry
Family Nursing Home Ministry
Street Preaching Ministry
Prison Preaching & Discipleship Ministry
Interim Pastor
Sunday School Teacher
Internet Evangelism Ministry -
Author: Booklets, Tri-folds, Discipleship Series, Gospel Tracts. Scripture Memory Plan & Bible Reading Plan
Testimony Tract Ministry
Book Author: "The People of the Apocalypse" & "The Priesthood of The Apocalypse" Truck Stop Ministry
--Doctrinal Position--
The Verbal, Plenary Inspiration and Inerrancy of Scripture
We believe in one Triune God, existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
The Deity and Virgin Birth of The Lord Jesus Christ
His Vicarious Atonement through the Shedding of His Blood on The Cross
His Bodily Resurrection, Ascension, and Literal, Pre-Millennial Return
A Literal, Eternal Heaven for the Redeemed and a Literal, Eternal Hell for the Lost
Salvation of Man by Grace through Faith in the Shed Blood of Christ
The Eternal Security of His Redeemed Saints
The Autonomy of the Local Church
Biblical Separation from the World, Compromise and Apostasy.
Our ministry is to independent Baptist and independent Bible-preaching churches that are non-charismatic and do not use contemporary christian/rock music. Individuals and churches also host meetings in non-church settings in an effort to reach their communities.
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